Air Demand Analysis

To build an energy efficient system or optimize an existing system will require a complete and thorough application and system analysis of air usage, air treatment and equipment selection. It’s not enough to buy some “efficient” equipment and expect good results. A thorough, accurate air demand analysis is required for positive results. In assessing the air demand of any system it is important to determine minimum and maximum usage as well as average values.

Challenge: How to assure that your air compressor system operates efficiently and will provide your current and future requirements for compressed air. 

Myth: Install “energy efficient” equipment.

How an air demand analysis works

The Hope Group engineers and technicians are trained in the process of air demand analysis. Using specially designed Air Demand Analyzer equipment our team of experts can evaluate the requirements for your new application or assess the changes needed to optimize an existing system. You will receive a comprehensive report on the findings.

For an existing system, using the load/unload control method or other operating parameters, sensors are placed at various points along the system to monitor flow, power consumption, pressure and air quality. A complete picture of the precise compressed air requirements, including the relationship between peak and base load compressors and each compressor’s actual duty cycle can be drawn. From these gathered facts and figures, we can provide you with a recommendation you can rely on.

We use state-of-the-art data loggers and precision sensors, our experts monitor and chart air flow, power consumption, system pressures and air quality during normal operating hours, over a period of ten days. This process creates a complete picture of air requirements including the relationship between peak and base load compressors and each compressor’s duty cycle.

This analysis process can be conducted on individual machines, dual controlled, variable speed and modulating controlled compressors. The measuring instruments do not have to be installed in the compressed air network. By measuring air flow, both the economy of the individual compressors and weak points in the entire compressed air system can be established.

What’s included in our analysis

The Hope Group air demand analysis provides the following:

  • an overview of the compressed air system’s air demand
  • operating relationship between base and peak load compressors
  • each compressor’s utilization or duty cycle
  • system pressure patterns and usage trends

Learn from us: To assure your air compressor systems operates efficiently, The Hope Group is ready to analyze your system and make recommendations for improvement. Read more of our tips about improving air compressor performance.